Sunday, March 23, 2008


Today my beef is with Randall Munroe, author of xkcd. I know he loves his girlfriend and all, but that doesn't mean that he needs to make EVERY COMIC about love. I used to enjoy reading xkcd, but not any more. I swear, he must just insert romantic references into everything he makes just to piss off us lonely people. Like this, which is actually from his blog:

He's talking about the strength of his new electric skateboard. It's almost as strong as a horse, apparently. So he makes a diagram of a man having a tug of war with a small horse. See how quickly it goes wrong?

Add that on to the fact that I saw an old friend today and he asked me how my GIRLFRIEND and I were doing. My answer was "not. Since exactly one year ago today."

Shit. Exactly one year ago today. ;____;

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